lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

My favorite food

Resultado de imagen para pescado con papas fritasIn my life, I never had a favorite food in particular because I love all the types of food in the world, but among of them, I like the fish and french fries when I eat, because, my grandmother cooked it for me in special days, for example, my birthday, Christmas, in summer holidays or when I have a good mark in some subject. Currently, since my grandmother passed away, I only ate the special food once a month. The last week I ate fish and french fries and I remember the time when I enjoyed it because it was cooked with great love for my grandmother, and in December i will cooked the special food for my mom and for me because my grandmother will be very happy for me.
When I travel to another city of Chile, especially, on Southern Chile I always eat on the piers because the fish is freshly hunted and I love see and feel the sea and its marine wing, I admit it, I love the fish because part of my family is from Chiloé's Island and in that place, its population eats a lot of fish all the week.
Resultado de imagen para isla de chiloe

One of my favorite foods is macaroni and cheese, when I cooked it for first time, I only had 10 years old, my wish of cooked it was born when I saw a cooking program on TV, I was very excited for cooking food, so I took the macaroni and warmed it for a time, after once, i took the cheese and sliced it. I was very happy for cooked it for first time, and I enjoyed the time. Currently, I cooked macaroni with cheese in Sunday and I remember the happiness when I was a child. I hope in the future be a great chef in my house and my family enjoyed my food.
Resultado de imagen para macarrones con queso

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate studies

Currently, to be honest I don't very sure to study a postgraduate degree, because I need grow in my career, but if I had the opportunity, I would like to study a postgraduate degree because on the one hand I have more opportunities to have a great job in the future and investigate in an determinate area, and for another one, I can learn a bigger chemist knowledge than a undergraduate student because the seminaries are taught by postgraduate students and for make a seminar, you must have a great knowledge about the topic.
Resultado de imagen para farmacologia
I very interested about the pharmaceutical sciences or pharmacology to my possible postgraduate degree because since I joined to my career I learn about a few of things about pharmacology, which is a branch of pharmaceutical sciences. Its study is about the use and the way in the human body of the drug, in molecular level or the human body itself , I like the topic because the human body is a great mystery for us and have the opportunity to learn more than I know, especially, at molecular level is great for me.

Resultado de imagen para universidad de heidelberg
As I told you in a blog, I like to study in Germany because for me it is a great power in the scientific world and I feel in that country I can learn all I need in the world of the science or if won't be in Germany, I would like to study in England because their universities are very famous in the whole world and it is a wonderful option for every student.

I would like to study abroad because I could adapted to the language and the life style of the country and the experience would be incredible for me, learn in another country while you are living in it is a great challenge but a great memory.
Resultado de imagen para estudiar en el extranjero

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

Resultado de imagen para quimico farmaceutico
When I was in high school, I love the chemistry because I love investigate and work in the laboratory, so I like work as a pharmaceutical chemist. In the future, I imagine me indoor of my house working in my own laboratory and helping people with the chemical knowledge. I love the harmony in my house, so I won't expect travel a lot in my job, only if I need travel to visit a friend or help another professionals in their investigations and besides, I will miss a lot my family and I want to dedicate them all the time of the world. But I want to travel to Germany because it is a great country in the world of chemistry and I feel that I learn more about my profession.
Resultado de imagen para laboratoriAbout my salary, I expect in the future my salary exceed the amount of one million of chilean money and more to have a great future and pay all the taxes for my family and for me. Besides, I need have a great amount of money because I need to pay all the instruments for my laboratory and all the reactives that I need. Finally, If I have a great amount of money, I won´t worry for my my jubilation in the future.
About the major, in this moment, I am not studying any major, but in the future I would like to study the major of toxicology because since I have the subject of pharmaceutical botany, I am very happy to know about the plants and their pharmaceutical effects in the health and I hope the toxicology help me to understand all the effects in the health and in the future, be a great professional. As my career is related with medicine, I hope in the future collaborate with medics to help the people in the future and make the world a better place.
Resultado de imagen para medicos y quimicos

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Things that I hate and like of my university and my career

Imagen relacionada
I am studying in the University of Chile, for now I'm studying Chemistry and pharmacy. This is my first career and my first university. And I'm very happy with them, because, first, I always have the dream to be a student of University of Chile, and second, although Chemistry and pharmacy wasn't my first choice, I chose this career because I'm very interesting to help people with chemistry knowledge.
I like my university because it gave me the opportunity to meet another people of Chile, in my school I never had that choice. However, there are a things to do the university a better place: First, the sports area of the faculty is very small in comparison of another faculties of the university, those count with green areas and courts to play sports. Second, the library of the faculty doesn't count with a great number of computers, so the students have to go to another faculty or wait. And a personal experience, one a time I have to impress a guide for a test to the next day and I was angry because there weren´t free computers, so I waited and when I saw a free computer, this haven´t internet. Generally, the lack of money for the faculty provokes less development in some areas. I think if the university prioritize  the less developed faculties but without neglect the developed ones, the university would be a better place.

Resultado de imagen para quimicos farmaceuticos

The career is very good because it counts with very opportunities of development and allows the students have a great knowledge, I remember that once a time I have to make a dissertation about a scientific article about ionic liquid and the name was very long and unpronounceable. I pronounceated it very well and my dissertations was very good because the great knowledge that I learned.
Resultado de imagen para farmacos But I hate it because it's very underrated for the people, the people thinks that the career only limits to sell medicine, but in fact, the career has very potential. Once I graduated of my career, I want to learn the people about the career and its benefits because the people needs help of every professional of this country.