domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018

Changes that could be made to my study programme

For me, this topic is very hard to make an opinion, because since I join to the career of Chemistry and pharmacy, I felt every subject as a important part for my professional formation. But, actually, I consider that we need changes in our study programme.
First, my study programme is composed by many courses, for example, General Chemistry, calculus, physics, biology, pharmaceutical botany, and another ones. This courses are obligatory for us because if you don`t make  or you have a bad mark on some subject, you will have to repeat the course and in some cases, these ones only can realize in a year, not in a semester, But besides of the obligatory courses, you must to make 3 General Formation Courses. This "Special" courses must realize to graduate from the career, there are many options, for example, Sports, Theater or Ethic.
Resultado de imagen para farmaceuticaCurrently, I don`t understand the necessity to make an obligation the GFC, in my opinion there are many courses that should join in the obligatory programme, as ethic. In the professional world, the ethic defines a good professional over a bad professional, I think that this GFC would have a good use on the obligatory programme, in medicine, the career has a course named Bio-ethic and it's an obligatory subject, In our country, we could make better professionals if they know more abouut ethic.

Another situation is the long duration of the classes, this is the main reason by which some students can't take courses, when a course have a long duration, for a normal student  could be very stress and, as a consequence is the student can't pay attention.
The infrastructure of the faculty is very old, for example, the laboratories are very small and the tables are damaged for the acid and another reactives. We don't have an adecuate place to practice sports, and the only place that we have is small. Despite of the efforts to bulid more spaces for the students, these efforts aren't enough and for us the situation is hard.
Resultado de imagen para laboratories
The teaching methods until now, I can say that I'm very satisfied with them because the teachers are very worried for the learning of the students. I can understand every lesson of the classes, however, there are some cases that when you ask something for a lesson, they arrogantly answer you and, as a consequence, you feel bad because they are saying you "You're a fool" as indirectly form and that's why I feel the teachers should be more intelligent when they talk with a student.
Resultado de imagen para computadorThe use of the technology is very limited to a few things, the use of computers and a projector, for us the computer is very essential because we can collect a lot of information to learn but in the faculty, there are few computers and we have to go to antoher part to find information. The projector is only use for presentations of the teachers and the classes, but for us it doesn't enough. In some cases, the best option is leran for yourself because in your house or using your cellphone you can complement the normal classes with more information of internet.

2 comentarios:

  1. It could be a great project to have ethics as a course, I also think it is important to have good professionals

  2. Should remove the CFG and should add certain subjects such as ethics for example.
