lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

Resultado de imagen para quimico farmaceutico
When I was in high school, I love the chemistry because I love investigate and work in the laboratory, so I like work as a pharmaceutical chemist. In the future, I imagine me indoor of my house working in my own laboratory and helping people with the chemical knowledge. I love the harmony in my house, so I won't expect travel a lot in my job, only if I need travel to visit a friend or help another professionals in their investigations and besides, I will miss a lot my family and I want to dedicate them all the time of the world. But I want to travel to Germany because it is a great country in the world of chemistry and I feel that I learn more about my profession.
Resultado de imagen para laboratoriAbout my salary, I expect in the future my salary exceed the amount of one million of chilean money and more to have a great future and pay all the taxes for my family and for me. Besides, I need have a great amount of money because I need to pay all the instruments for my laboratory and all the reactives that I need. Finally, If I have a great amount of money, I won´t worry for my my jubilation in the future.
About the major, in this moment, I am not studying any major, but in the future I would like to study the major of toxicology because since I have the subject of pharmaceutical botany, I am very happy to know about the plants and their pharmaceutical effects in the health and I hope the toxicology help me to understand all the effects in the health and in the future, be a great professional. As my career is related with medicine, I hope in the future collaborate with medics to help the people in the future and make the world a better place.
Resultado de imagen para medicos y quimicos

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